Find Your Dream App 

Without A Single Google Search

Finding the perfect App for your Small Biz takes most users on average over 30 hours of frustrating hours of Googling - and that doesn't even include all the time you will spend trialing the App!  

We can make this huge headache go away and ensure you find an App that is a great fit for your Small Business.

(Free) App Database Features

Our App Data

  • Over 193 Apps listed (and growing every week)
  • Regularly updated with new features & Apps
  • Easily filterable and searchable by any field or value
  • Details not just pricing and basic features but integrations, automations, what user type, business model and industry each App is best suited to
  • The amazing search and filter functionality of our App Database will allow you to find your Dream App quickly and easily based on your requirements.  Eg Looking for a CRM but it's a "must-have" that it integrates with Xero?  No problem, filter out everything except CRM Apps that have a Xero integration.  Job done!
  • Did I mention that it's free?

" Patrick is such a wonderful boy and we are really proud of him.  

We don't really understand this BotSquad nonsense he keeps going on (and on) about...

But whatever it is, I'm sure it's really nice and you should probably buy it".

Patrick's mum

PS this isn't my mum >

Work Smarter Not Harder With Your Dream App

Our Free Database will help you to find the best possible Apps for your Small Biz.  But finding the right App for your business is only half the battle (well, probably more like 1/16th of the battle to be accurate)...

Once you've found your Dream App, you still need to learn how to set it up and then use the bloody thing.  And despite all the amazing support teams, Youtube Videos and Online How-to Articles out there, this is still a slow and painful process!

But we can help.

We help Small Businesses like yours not only find their Dream App, but also set it up and learn how to use it quickly, painlessly and affordably.

We offer a range of services and products, some free some paid, to achieve this.

If you'd like to know how we can help your Small Biz find, set up or learn your new Dream App, get in touch here.

See How Easily You Can Find The Perfect App For Your Small Biz